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Clothing fit finder by Prime AI demonstration for women's wool jackets

Clothing size calculator based on weight and height. Click/tap on find my perfect size button enter your age, height and weight to get instant size recommendation. As you continue browsing products there is no need to enter your data again size recommendation will be server on every product description page (PDP) as you browse. In the scenario that item is out of stock you can sign up for back in stock notification, but also you will get instant similar product recommendation that is available in your size and is in stock. You can learn more about clothing size calculator here: fit finder by Prime AI

You may also like these products available in your size and in stock:
Enhance product recommendations with Prime AI. Show products that are in shopper's size and in stock. The next level of personalisation that will supercharge conversion rate of e-commerce.

product 11 product 12 product 13  
product 21 product 22 product 23 product 24
product 31 product 32 product 33 product 34
product 41 product 42 product 43 product 44
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higher conversion
increase in average order value
less items returned

Test fit finder by Prime AI for other merchandises:
Select garment type to be taken to fit finder by Prime AI demonstration portal. You can test drive wide range of garments for Men and Women, including Bra size finder and shoes size finder.

button men demo
button women demo
button bras demo
button shoes demo